8 Reasons Why Your Partner Loves Going Down on You

Let’s be honest, when it comes to men and women in the bedroom, the ladies are seen as more giving while the guys just take, take, take. However, sexual health and wellness expert Clint Carter is here to set the record straight. ‘As much as men like to receive, we also love to give,’ he says. So what do men love about giving you oral sex?

1. It Extends the Pleasure: According to Carter, ‘The penetration part of sex generally only lasts a few minutes. I didn’t make this up. There is actual research on this (and even stats on which state lasts the longest in bed). So a fella’s best hope for marathon sex—or you know, sex that lasts longer than a commercial break—is to dedicate a little a time to you alone.’

2. It Increases the Odds of a Dual Climax: ‘If there were a race toward orgasm, men would win every time,’ Carter asserts. ‘But it’s not a race—sex is a team sport. And getting you revved up before the main event makes it a little more likely that we’ll get to cross the finish line together.’

3. The Feeling of Your Fingers in Our Hair: Carter notes, ‘The sexy scalp massage we get when we’re doing our thing is definitely a bonus. Our scalps are covered with nerve endings that rarely receive attention, and you’re really the only person we want going to town up there. (We’d rather eat a set of shears than ask our barber for a scalp massage.) So don’t be afraid to get in there—a little tugging isn’t bad, either.’

4. We Get to Slow Down and Appreciate Your Body: ‘Every guy has his own pet spots on your body,’ Carter explains. ‘They’re the curves and angles that are fully sexualised in his mind, even though you’ve never given them much though. Maybe it’s the sloping arch of your back, the smooth skin beneath your belly button, or the way your hip bone moves flirtatiously beneath your skin. From this vantage point, we really get to take it all in. One Word: Underboob. Imagine you’re in our position. Now look up. Not a bad view, right?’

5. It’s a Hell of a Lot More Fun Than a Foot Rub: Carter points out, ‘Believe it or not, we like making you feel good. So if you ask for a foot rub or a back massage, we’ll give it to you. But will a foot rub or back massage get you off? Probably not. The truth is, guys love it when you orgasm, and with oral sex, the odds are in our favour.’

6. We Can Focus on What Matters: Carter admits, ‘We know we have the tendency to ignore your clitoris during intercourse, and we definitely want to apologise about that—we know the C-spot is pretty crucial for orgasm. But man that thing is tiny! It’s like trying to hit a quarter-inch target while being distracted by the rest of your naked body. With oral sex, we have an unobstructed, distraction-free opportunity to make it up to you, and we’re up to the task.’

7. It Strengthens Our Connection: ‘Nothing is as intimate as oral sex,’ says Carter. ‘Not even intercourse. And when you open yourself up to us like that, we feel insanely close to you—both physically and emotionally.’

8. Sexual Karma: Carter comments, ‘It’s not like we expect reciprocation—we absolutely don’t—but it’s one of life’s great truisms that the more one gives, the more one receives. So whether we get the favour returned immediately, another night, or never, we know that pleasing you is putting out good sex vibes. Plus, getting you all revved up means there’s a pretty good chance something awesome is about to happen next. And who wouldn’t be happy about that?’